As we face the Googlization of everything, the rise of infotainment, and the tightening of journalists' budgets we should be mindful of where our news comes from. Awareness of political biases can help us parse through sources. This brainstorm forms the basis of a mobile app I'm currently working on for an HCI class. Play with the app as it evolves live below:

Most of my free time recently has been spent delving into an enormous corpus of Virginia Woolf’s writings to create an interactive data visualization - I hope to capture her prolific career in a beautiful new narrative. Have a look at our infant 'Woolf Works'. The project has involved a journey through data visualization techniques and some of our inspirations have included various d3.js frameworks and Google Books' Ngram Viewer:

During a summer internship as a product manager at the San Francisco based start up, Nextdoor, I took on two features. One was muting a noisy neighbor and the other, tidying up the process of deleting and flagging inappropriate content. Below are some screenshots of the finished features.

Muting noisy neighbors

Flagging, evaluating and deleting abuse

'Sporting', a side project built with a friend, would provide the solution to the inefficiencies and frustrations that plague the recruiting process for college sports. Coaches grapple with the complex NCAA rules while juggling hundreds of players' profiles, DVDs and transcripts. Athletes struggle to get noticed or to begin a conversation with a school. This painful process could be improved for both parties if there were an easy way to connect, exchange information, and stay in touch.

A hub for recruits, fans, family and alums to find all things Stanford Field Hockey.


Managed account and built brand identity, designing logo and background.


Kickstarted channel and documented 2011 season. Here's a taster:

Other work during the 2011 season included Instagram, Tumblr and html newsletter emails.

Could we visualize science by plotting paths from one invention to the next? A widget I made while prototyping an app for the Science Museum in London:

Free time fun.